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State of Inuit Culture and Society annual report released.

(September 8, 2016 – Iqaluit, Nunavut) Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Vice-President James Eetoolook today released the 2014/15 Annual Report on the State of Inuit Culture and Society, entitled Inuit Social and Cultural Self-determination.

The 2014/15 report offers insight into the social and historical context of Article 32 and describes why it was created during the negotiations of the Nunavut Agreement. The report recommends establishing a system to promote better understanding of the shared roles and responsibilities of implementing Article 32, and to develop an implementation monitoring process.

“During the negotiation period, Inuit needed to secure a degree of self-determination in relation to the development of social and cultural policies and programs in Nunavut. Because these policies and programs were not actually included in the agreement, Inuit created Article 32 so that we would have a legally-binding, constitutionally-protected mechanism to allow us to be included in the design and delivery of the government’s social and cultural programs and services,” said Eetoolook.

The annual report is an annual obligation of Article 32.3.4 of the Nunavut Agreement. As required by NLCA Article 32, the report will be tabled in the Nunavut Legislative Assembly and the House of Commons.

Original article from Nunavut Tunngavik

SICS Report 2015-ENG_CD.pdf1.39 MB